Four W's

So many of us are afraid to die, we fail to live. We will not take chances when they present any form of risk. Are you really alive when you hide yourself away from people or experiences you believe can hurt you, harm you, or in some way take your life away? When we don't live because of the fear of dying, we die without ever having lived. Iyanla Vanzant (Author & inspirational Speaker).

Something struck me about these words and I couldn’t help but adding them to today’s post. Its strange but I feel that God talks to us in many ways because just this morning I was struggling in my mind about meeting some people. Although other guests are trying their best to convince me to come; they tell me that its all going to be great and I am just being unreasonable.

Still I am resisting and giving all kinds of excuses to myself as to why I shouldn’t go. In my mind I am convinced that my decision is right, as usual.

However after reading above lines I am not really sure. Not once, but on many occasions I have felt that I should break all my reservation or apprehensions and meet people. Yet even before meeting them I create my judgements about them. Or probably as Iyanla said I am simply afraid; afraid of leaving my comfort zone.

This is my shortcoming that if I detect or even feel that there is even slightest chance of discomfort or problem I avoid that situation all together. The first thing I do is remove myself from any possible distress or any conflicting situation. Yes! I run away....

My justification is, if there is neither urgency nor any immediate necessity then why should I be in any situation which is going to disrupt my mental peace. At this point in my life, there is nothing more important to me than my peace. Peace is now my only aim for living.

Yes probably I am scared, yes I don’t want to face any challenge and yes this is my escape.

So after knowing my problem, what is the solution? Any recommendation?

Should I pray and face whatever is there, and hope that everything is going to be just fine? Or should I run away, like I mostly do?  

But then how can I forget the most important element of faith, which says that if you truly believe than no matter what you shall always be protected and guided in the best possible way.

How can I forget my favourite four W’s that I always keep on asking God: 
Where should I go? 
What should I do? 
What should I say and to Whom?

Have a wonderful peaceful fast with your loved ones.

Take Care!

Sonya Syed. (Day 439)


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