Just another day...

More work less energy, in fact the work I have is piling up into a huge mountain of unfinished paper work. These days I am not in mood to do anything and prefer to be a couch potato, which is definitely not a good idea health wise.  The energy levels are down these days either, intentionally or unintentionally.

I think when some important matters of our life remain unsettled the mind takes up the entire energy to resolve them. So the energy which is left for our daily work is then reduced a great deal. 

Just to get my energy back I am taking coffee twice a day but the lethargy is still there in its full bloom. I don’t know what to do, I wish I can get some secret medicine which can give back my energy.

Today is the first Sunday after a long time when guests are coming in consecutively, some old and some new family friends are dropping by to say hello. It is so wonderful to meet and greet people at home, especially at my place. I love to be a host and I love it even more when I am invited to other people’s home.

To see others at home in a relaxed mode with their families and have long chats about how busy everyone is these days, about the Turkish plays which though we criticize but still love to watch, about our new prime minister and his progress, discussions as to everything is so expensive, humid weather, children and their schools, about the maids. 

It is so fortunate if you have company of people with whom you can talk for hours.

Sunday is almost coming to an end and tomorrow is another day, I hope that it may be filled with peace and joy for everyone of you as well as your loved ones.

Shab-bakhair, Shubratri, Good Night!

Sonya Syed. (Day 456)


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