A Very Happy & Blessed New Year with New Resolutions

With all my heartiest prayers and best wishes to all of you and your loved ones.... May this year all your wishes be granted, may this year all your dreams come true,  may you all live health & prosperity this year and all the years to come.

It has now become a ritual for me to set for myself some new resolutions, some new commitments, and above all, take some new measures in order to free myself of the old baggage and behavioral patterns that are not doing me any good. 

Therefore, I Sonya Syed, hereby resolve to:

Give more love to my family and my friends.

Find a wonderful gentleman and get married. 

Appreciate everyone and everything in my life.

Respect the gift of my life.

Keep my ego in its place, if possible (cage it).

Say No to ‘Iced Mocha & Mocha Frappe’.

Exercise 3 days in a week, stay fit and healthy.

Focus on the positives, forgive and forget the negatives.

Read more great books-learn, teach, and grow.

Give my best to my work.

Become the best version of myself.

Be grateful, be present, be joy, be abundance, be love…

P.S. This year I resolve to start HAPPINESS JAR practice. It is a very simple practice, every day write down the happiest moment of that day on a small piece of paper it and put it in that jar.

There are very seldom glamorous moments, or dramatic moments, or moments of great accomplishment in life. Happiness comes in the sideways moments, the humble moments.

And every single day, no matter how great or horrible, has one happiest moment or at least one "least horrible" moment. It's worth it to record those moments, because they are fleeting and precious beyond measure.

And someday (days, months or years later) when you want to feel good, you reach into the jar and pull out a memory (that would otherwise have been long forgotten), you can remember one of the simplest and best random moments of life and reading them over will make you happy all over again.

These are my New Year Resolutions, please do share with me yours…

Have a beautiful & prosperous New Year.

Sonya Syed. (Day 509)


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