B (+)

Please no, I’m not sharing my blood group or my medical history with you, rather I am literally saying BE POSITIVE & have a wonderful day.

While I was traveling in morning, from one corner of the city to another, I was constantly reminding myself “BE POSITIVE & you’ll have a wonderful day!”.

There is an exhibition in Karachi for which our authorities keeping in view the unstable law & order situation have conveniently closed all the major roads around the local Expo Center, without any consideration about alternate routes whatsoever.

It will be very easy to handle the security of the VIPs because there will no one on the roads to secure them from. The poor miserable masses are of no significance, so let them rot!

I cannot put all the blame on our officials or the so-called VVIPs because it is not entirely their fault. Why? Because it is Us who have allowed them to treat us any way they chose to, it is Us who have elected them, it is Us who are tolerating such humiliating attitude. It is Us, a silent, conscience-less, low self-respect nation who have chosen this setup.

Because if you are not raising your voice against injustice then you are a part of that injustice.

Few days ago I overlooked my full name on a cheque and accepted it. Later when I realized my negligence I knew that I am in trouble because the authority that issued the cheque was a government institution and there were many protocols to be followed before I receive new cheque with my correct name on it.

It is in that moment I learned an important lesson of life, it does not matter whether I am a good person or a bad person, it does not matter whether I prayed all day or not prayed at all because the laws of universe are impersonal “you make a mistake, you are paying for it”.

That’s called the Law of Attraction, the law of Cause and Effect. What you give out is exactly what you shall receive. Newton verified this law when he gave his theory “to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction”. 

To every action (overlooking my name on cheque) there is always an equal and opposite reaction (traipsing from one department to another to correct the name).

Our lives and every person and situation which we encounter is the effect; and our thoughts, actions & deeds are the cause.

Prayers and good deeds shall reduce the intensity of the trouble as happened in my case that an office representative was taking approvals from all relevant personnel on my behalf; but under all circumstances it was I, who had to pay for what I did.

May we all live in peace & harmony…

Sonya Syed. (Day 501)


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