You versus Me

These days whether it is a family function or a get together of friends and family, a wedding, a party or even shopping at the mall; every woman seems to be effected by the Brand Syndrome.  

There is a war amongst the victims of brand syndrome, every girl every lady wants to exceed other by acquiring the most expensive handbag, shoes and makeup.

Unfortunately, science has failed to discover any cure for this syndrome so it is spreading like an epidemic.

And the interesting part is that, even after emptying their pockets nobody either gets acknowledged or appreciated. In fact, if one has more expensive bag or shoes then the other will have the most despising sentiments to share about them.

This brand epidemic is not limited to women but men are also affected by this syndrome, their personality enhancing products are different though.

Naturally I have to butt in and share my point of view, so as to understand the logic behind the brand syndrome epidemic. The focus of my theory will be primarily on women because I too belong to the same species and is also somewhat effected by the Brand Syndrome; nevertheless, the underlying emotions of both men and women are same.

My research shows that there are several reasons behind the rapid spread of Brand syndrome; however, I shall limit myself to the main points.

First it could be, that we want to declare to the world ‘I am Rich’, so everyone will give us more attention, and we will be looked upon with awe and appreciation. And all this attention, respect and appreciation would make us feel special/ exclusive which will ultimately make us happy.

God forbid if we fail to feel all the above by our current range of branded products we shall try again with a much higher and exclusive brand and if we still fail then we must try again, and again.

No if I break it down, then a woman with brand syndrome wants attention, respect, appreciation so she can feel good about herself and be happy in her life.

The unfortunate news is that we would never get what we are looking for from these branded products/ personality boosters.

We might feel good momentarily, when our stuff is superior but as soon as another woman enters the room with a better and much expensive product we are terrible again.

In all this, the only winning parties are the manufacturers of high-end brands who are clever enough to cash-in on the emotional issues of women. You see, if all women are content in a Rs. 1000 worth handbag of unknown brand and also comfortable with who they are as human beings, then who would buy these temporary personality boosters. 

My guess is, no one.

The reality with a capital ‘R’ is that no handbag, no shoe or makeup or any other accessory in this world can help you in getting attention and respect from others if you do not respect yourself or give attention to yourself.

The world always takes you at your own estimation and self-worth. Respect your body, respect your health, respect your life, more so respect everyone and everything in your life.

Give attention and acknowledge others when they approach you.

Even the most expensive bag in this universe cannot give us appreciation because we cannot receive what we cannot give. 

So rather than waiting for others to appreciate you, appreciate everyone around you. Make someone feel special and exclusive just because they are in your company today.

No matter how little or inexpensive things we have today; however, if we are truly grateful for them then we would be filled with abundance and joy.

Remember to every action there is always and equal and opposite reaction. If we want attention, respect, appreciation from others it is important for us to realize that we cannot demand from others what we cannot give them. The outflow always determines the in-flow. That’s the law of attraction.

May we all love, appreciate and respect everyone and everything we have, including ourselves.

A very Good Evening!

Sonya Syed. (Day 508)


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