Miracles or Magic? I wonder...


For all my readers who are not aware of Urdu language these are the advertisements by self-claimed spiritual healers (mostly referred as Baba or Aalim sahab) who claim that they have some special kind of miraculous religious/ spiritual powers by which they can help their follower/ client to get their dream life-partner/ a good job/ boom in business/ total control over husbands and mother-in-laws, or anything that their follower desires.

I am not aware of the growth rate of these Babas in other cities of Pakistan but these days every corner, every street in Karachi is bursting with these advertisements. Clients of these ad Babas belong to moderate income group; there are however exclusive Babas or Aalim sahab available for wealthier followers who act far more sophisticatedly and their reputation is made by word of mouth or probably by appearing on TV shows.

Yes, our media also encourage such Babas, after all the media is also part of the society.

In all these advertisements the main focus is on love marriages, with especial offers to make your love interest fall madly in love with you or control him/her to the extent that they’ll come running to you within 3 days begging you to get married to them.

Most of us make fun of such Babas but in some weak moments when we get really desperate due to a daunting real life situation, when we feel stuck and find no way out some of us do seek help from them.

The reason for going after these Babas or Aalims is mainly because either we do not pray to God or if we do then we think that our prayers to God are not giving us fast results. Or probably God is not interested in our matter.

In any case, we lose connection with God and from His light and invite darkness into our lives. Most of these Aalim or Baba are absolute fake but they can be shrewd psychotherapists, who knows exactly what to say and when.

Then comes the dangerous category of Baba or Aalim sahib. These Babas use modern techniques to satisfy their followers, these techniques include: telepathy, astral projections, negative use of healing energy Reiki, and even misusing sacred Quranic verses.

Do you know that telepathy and astral travel is used by CIA and MI5 for sending brain messages and finding location of nuclear plants.

For those who are new to these terms please know that Telepathy is mind to mind communication without the use of any physical modes of communication. One person sends mental signals by way of images, thoughts and feelings and the other person who is unaware of such mental messages unconsciously starts to receive and act on them, as per the sender’s wishes.

Whereas astral travel/ projection is travelling of soul while the body of that person is alive.

And Reiki is the pure energy of healing, people however do use it for their negative and evil agendas.

Just go and google these terms and you will know what I am saying.

Anyways some Aalim or spiritual teachers who have mastered these spiritual techniques can really cause affect on the target, and they also teach these techniques to their followers.

So if one fine morning you wake up with very strong emotional feelings or alertness for someone who was unknown to you a day before, then be very cautious because someone might be secretly sending you emotional telepathic messages.

Or you might begin to dream about someone you have just met a week before and had no feelings towards them. However, suddenly you like them after those dreams, then know that It Is Not Love but someone might be deliberating manipulating your mind through these dreams.

With astral projection and negative use of Reiki, the target will start to feel the presence along with loving emotions of the person who is working on you. 

Or you might feel a strong desire to call a particular person without any apparent reason.

These things are not to be taken lightly because if you are working at an important job your mind could be manipulated to sign papers illegally or to send confidential documents in the hands of criminals.

Having said that, you do not need to worry about such people or their Babas or Aalims because if you are praying and are deeply rooted in your faith then although these messages will come to you but they will not affect you.

Why? Because we all have our protective shields and these shields get stronger every time you pray and surrender yourself to God, because in that case you hold God and His angels responsible for your protection, and God will never let you down if you truly believe in Him.

As for the sender, he or she might get success in few attempts but then they will have to suffer harmful consequences because what their Baba or Aalim did not tell them is, that at other end their own minds and emotions are also involved in this process; which can actually make them mentally insane.

You see, if someone really loves you he or she will never hurt you or manipulate your mind, because the light of love and honesty are so powerful that they don’t need any such techniques.

Have a wonderful life!

Much adulation…

Sonya Syed. (Day 515)


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