Day 153

Rushing things is never a good idea, we do one thing and our mind starts to work on the next thing; at times we multitask nevertheless the end product in such a over-worked state is always below average. Currently five things are simultaneously going on in my poor little brain and I really hope to do justice to all of them.
Past few days I have not been busy but plain lazy I wanted to desperately write the posts yet it became difficult and still I slept late and woke up early, cheers to my efforts to go to bed by 10:30: pm. I have seen this so many times with me that whenever I intentionally make an effort to do something whether it is sleeping early or doing any chore or especially taking care of my hair and hopelessly trying to style them I fail miserably. Probably my desperation becomes just too much so instead of attracting what I want I repel it.

With Eid passed so swiftly and the year almost coming to an end and the fact it has been an year since I began writing this blog on December 1, 2009; time has got on to some kind of heavy duty wings which makes it fly and fly quickly with the blink of an eye.
This has been the most incredible week because in the last few days I have started to get clarity in so many of my thoughts; it is most amazing to allow the past to rest in peace; to allow yourself to heal and move on, to allow yourself the freedom to completely feel the present rather than being stuck in the past. Let’s see where this new journey would lead but hey who is looking for the future, I am just not interested. To me the present moment is all there is..
So good night friends! Sweet Dreams….
Sonya (Day 153)


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