Love has no hidden agendas

It has been a busy day with more exhaustion of the mind rather than the body. It is so true that when the mind is peaceful and focused life becomes effortless. However, it is always beneficial to understand the reality of people/things rather being in dark and living in fantasy wonderland, it is wise to face whatever is required to be faced irrespective of how difficult it would be in coming to terms with the reality.

I am amazed to see nowadays as to how many people are becoming interested in mind sciences (like hypnosis or telepathy, etc), spiritual healing. Well as far as the intention is pure and only to heal someone and do good to others I believe this would be the perfect recipe of your spiritual growth and also integral for evolving to be a wonderful human.

I have very unfortunately to say that there are people who after gaining knowledge of such a sensitive science forgets that this knowledge is given to us only for the vast benefit of human kind and not to fulfil our own hidden agendas. Misuse of such techniques is not onlu unethical but is severely disastrous for the person who practices it without any awareness of the negative consequences. When we try to manipulate someone on a mental level by engraving our own thoughts on them and making them believe that these thoughts are theirs and attacking on their weaknesses only to fulfil our own desires it must be kept in mind that such techniques are not a replacement to prayers and pure love.

When you have genuine desire to come out of a bad situation and you focus your energies on that then a way will be shown to you which is the best and the most peaceful solution for all. Or when you desperately want somebody to communicate with you then the only thing which you need to do is to feel your pure love for that person and he/she would come to you by the force of love. Plus if you feel that the other person is resisting you then why not you be the first one to communicate, why don’t you change yourself and kill all your ego based idols and then nobody even has to go nuts in the process.

Freedom of choice is everyone’s inherent right even God does not break His boundaries with us, although He is always there for us yet He allows us the freedom to choose our paths. God lets us decide whether we want to follow Him or not, so if our Creator never abuses His power then who are we to abuse someone’s Right to Freewill.

Besides when something does not emerge from the desire of pure love and peace for all it always has most adverse effects, ranging from someone close to you getting seriously ill both mentally and physically or you personally absorbing all negativities and becoming sick and broke for the rest of your life.

And we need to understand that our personal peace, joy and love cannot come to us by changing or manipulating everybody in the world. Our peace and joy lies within us and in order for someone else to love us we must first love others as the outflow determines the inflow; how can you get something when your are not willing it to give yourself.

So my dears be good, do good and think good for all and all the good in the world shall come to you as a Blessing.

Sonya. (Day 158)


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