End results

I was absolutely energized as I decided to write today’s post but the moment I sat down sudden wave of deep sleep entered and it is only 9 pm. Tomorrow a new day and some new adventures are on their way, irrespective of the outcome I am taking on the challenge and hope to be my best.

I guess this is what should be our modus operandi in every deed, we waste so much of our energy and focus in worrying about the end result, about winning or loosing, and ignoring completely the journey which takes us to that outcome. Everything to us is a means to an end and in this way we reduce the sanctity of all those moments which leads us to the end. So should we not make any goal or think for the future; of course not. We must keep it in our minds whatever we want to achieve nevertheless make it secondary and the journey our primary aim.

Quite a few times I have seen this with me as well as with others that if we get to design something new or do a project or any assignment or even while cooking or doing the dishes. We get so worked up or ill-tempered due to the pressure of work during the working/making period, although we do achieve the desired results with our hard work and intelligence; nevertheless, that result would contain all the earlier negative energies with it and only after a brief time of contentment the same misery would show up ultimately ruining the whole thing.

I am now very careful and fully aware of whatever I do and especially how I am feeling and behaving while doing anything from a simplest household chore to a complicated legal matter because now I know that only being totally present and watching out even for a minute negativity is main deal here.

So dear ones its now time to take your leave…

My love & more...

Sonya. (Day 154)


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