Fitness tips from a pro…

At last after a lot of deliberation we bought a treadmill for home use, because even with the best of intentions I simply couldn’t keep up with going to gym. Gym is definitely not my cup of tea, at least for now. I think we got a good deal on this exercise equipment, it is a nice machine with a red lights on its screen resembling to once famous disco lights, which were used for wedding decorations in my childhood. It was a difficult decision to choose the most suitable treadmill because they all looked the same; however, the main deciding factor was its monetary value and its usability. For more than a year I have sprain in my back and the entire vertebral column hurts, after gulping many painkillers the pain is very much there but yesterday after a long time I did some yoga. Although I do very basic and simple steps yet it has magically relieved me of my pain. It feels as if I do not even have a back, well figuratively speaking. I think I have ste...