This moment is all that is..

When you get caught up in the trivialities of life, when you are tired to your core, when you endlessly run errands, do daily chores and at the end of it all your head is busting with headache you see something and it inspires. It inspires you to be, to breathe.

Today my muse has been a film “Zindgai naa milegi dobara” yes I am inspired. At first I watched this film to kill my time in the evening after having a much delayed lunch. Then the movie’s location asked me stay on and then finally the message of the film “to live in the present moment” inspired me.

To experience the aliveness of your life you don’t have to go Spain or do deep sea diving or jump from 15,000 ft but all you need to do is to breathe and feel the life that is within you. Then the sun rays titillating your face, a flower in your balcony, laughter of a child, stars, moon in full bloom are all the miracles of life unfolding in front of you all the time. They could inspire you but you have to be there to look and listen.

It has been a human dilemma that even though we are sitting in 20-Jan-12 but our minds are running in March 2015 or April 1991. We are never here in the now, thus we fail to be fully imbibed in the Present Moment.

For quite some time now I have been living in this peace of present moment until my mind started to tell me that now I have to do more. Succumbing to the temptation of life I began my work to enter the real world and the instant I started this journey I somehow became disconnected with myself.

The first thing that got polluted was my blog writing. I lost touch with my inner voice which impacted my blog, my passion. Why did this happen because I was so busy in meeting deadlines, calling people or doing legal correspondence.

Although I sat to write something- anything, however only mind made stuff appeared in my recent posts and I couldn’t find my soul in my writing anymore. I used to get tired earlier also but now my tiredness puts me down.

So do I have to make a choice to either live in the peace of this moment or become ambitiously involved in my life activities?

Honestly I don’t want to choose because I want both. There is no point of any worldly achievements if you are not at peace within yourself. If you are not getting inspired by the blossoming of a flower then there is a chance that your inner flower (your soul) would also wither away.

So the morale of the story is: live in this moment so you can be aware of and be inspired by the million miracles unfolding in front of you.

When I slept I had severe headache but now in 3.30 in the morning I just woke up with the flow of this post which started to come to me by itself, desiring to be written.

Cheers to inspiration!

Sonya (Day 262)


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