Day 264

It is quite strange to use laptop after months, although it has been my friend for years but we are estranged for some time now. The screen look smaller and darker and I am simply not use to this device any more. We humans are peculiar species, first it takes a lot of time to get over an attachment and when we are attached to something else our first attachment is deleted from our memories.

When we are all set to travel to a different location, we feel saddened to leave our home. As we reach the new destination, stay there for few days, get used to it and then leaving it, makes us melancholic. Such is the human state. 

Lately I have been busy doing nothing and somehow my creative juices involved in writing blog aren’t active the way they usually are. Blog writing is a totally different ball game; there are times when I can write two or three posts in a row and then there are moments when writing single paragraph becomes a struggle.

These days Indian Film stars and their birthdays make headlines in our news but unfortunately our own celebrities who have given their life to entertaining us hardly gets any recognition. It is not only media but we as masses are also greatly responsible for not recognizing our showbiz personalities. For instance if we see some local celebrity nearby then rather giving them a nod of appreciation we try our best to ignore them, it becomes a matter of our vanity and pride. It is such a tragedy that we have nation have failed to celebrate our own gems. Oscars would not have been this prestigious had Americans themselves not given it the sort of respect and stature it holds throughout the world.

Many apologies for this brief post but it is getting late and I have to sleep early, so Good Night and Sweet Dreams…

Sonya. (Day 264)


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