Website finally…

I just experienced how a small piece of chocolate brownie could hugely impact one’s state of being. I was sleepy and lethargic and then this brownie came in my life and changed it all, but I need to be careful with my love relationship with chocolates since to taste a small piece could mean 150 calories and an increased waistline. A heavy price to pay for impulsive love…

After a long wait, hundred calls back and forth, several editing - my website is finally activated with the latest version. Although earlier one was fine and active since 2008 however in last few months whenever I looked at it there was too much material.

I believe when you are a new comer in any field you just want to do exactly what others are doing because you want to fit in.

If the people who are pros of the field are following a particular method then they must be right and their way is to be followed. Websites of majority of the law firms here or abroad were filled with tons of information most of which is totally irrelevant for any client but since that was the norm so I followed it.

Nevertheless, as you grow and evolve and luckily if you are also cleaning up internal chaos and clutter then everything changes; the things which made great sense earlier now seems frivolous.

In my evolving the first thing I noticed about myself is that I am trying my best to make things simplest, easiest and clear cut for myself and others. You cannot imagine how lite I feel when I see my to-the-point, no-nonsense website.

This time I have added my father Syed Muhammad Arif to my site and tried in my meager way to give him his due. I am so grateful to Allah for making it all possible for me and then my mother for making me into who I am today because without Allah’s support and her encouragement I would not be who I am.

I might not be the richest person in the world (which is the main plan by the way) but I am a better peaceful person today making wiser choices.

My mother gave me tremendously important values. Work hard. Show respect. Take life as a fun game. And if life happens to bless you with talent or treasure, you have a responsibility to use those gifts as well and as wisely as you possibly can.

You must go and check out my website:

To my surprise the people who edited my site were the ones I met in 2008 when I was thinking to start my own website however things didn’t work out and I went ahead with somebody else. Now in 2012 when I wanted to revise the site my domain hosting company recommended a person for the job. After few calls and finalization of work this gentleman told me that this is the same company which I came to 4 years ago. Oh boy! The world is really round and tiny.

I thank you all for sticking by and showing your unfettered loyalty, I have received all you emails and would reply to all of them duly.

This disappearance from blog is becoming a norm for me but honestly my mind needs to juggle and assemble a lot of information coming to it these days.

And yes I accept to have been a bit harsh on the media with my earlier post but it was what I really felt and with all of you I didn’t want to mince my words. This is a place where I can be myself, where you through words can be yourself so its not required to sugar coat things.

Love & a chocolate filled Good Evening!

Sonya. (Day 261)


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