Like attracts like

For some strange reason I have a sudden desire to visit Bhurban, Muree, Nathia Gali or even living there permanently; huh! strange wishes I have these days. I also have few other crazy ideas which I would be working on in the coming days.

I somehow want to challenge myself, my comfort zones. I am re-organizing my law practice and to begin with I am re-doing my website. Yes surprisingly I have an official website dedicated to my legal work.

In 2008 when I first started my work I made my website, at that time it looked perfect because I did everything which every other law firm in the world has done. I bombarded it with lots of unnecessary information about my work as if I was giving a short course on my practice areas.

Even after hundreds of meetings, thousands of promotion letters /brochures nothing significant happened.  I made this website, published book-like brochures, decorated my office with all the money I earned from my job as the legal advisor at a local securities brokerage house.

Struggling for 3 years and getting work occasionally I got frustrated and forgot about it all together.  Then there were people who always told me, that “you are never going to make it. It is a big bad world out there and as a God-fearing female you will never be able to fulfill those demands”.

Many voices told me to drop the idea all together, get a job at a good multinational and live a peaceful life.

So by the end of 2010 I left it all in a status quo position, followed my instincts learned reiki and alternative medicine.

Since 2004 till 2008 I use to maintain my personal diary in which I wrote every little detail of daily life, my thoughts about future, my fears my insecurities, my work and my personal life.
One day as I was going through my diaries I had the shock of my life as if someone has made me of stone. It struck me that everything which happened to me and my law practice between 2008 & 2009 was exactly the way I wrote in my diary. As if I was the script writer, the director and the heroine of my life. I designed the blue print of my future in blue and white.

In 2009 when I saw Secret, the movie and read New Earth new dimensions opened up; as if I woke up from deep slumber. I realized and still realizing that all my life I lived by my thoughts and emotions and whatever my mind told me about my life and people in it.

I am the living, breathing example of “Law of attraction” or the statement that “like attracts like”. Our persistent thoughts about anything will definitely manifest in some form in our lives. If you have loving peaceful thoughts or if you have negative fear based thoughts, the law is as definite as law of gravity. You are rich, poor, good or bad you will fall down from stairs, no exception. 

So after this waking up, the first thing I noticed is that my website was filled with clutter which in those days appeared to be highly informative for the audience. The first step is now to get rid of all the clutter both inside and outside.

I met a lady on Friday who out of the blue asked my about my profession. When I shared my story, she said "being a female it is enough if you have the courage to take such a big step on your own, don't give up hold on!". 

As I am removing all my mind-made obstacles and clutter I am now meeting people who are encouraging me & my efforts, guiding me the best way that they can.

I still have my goals but today more than achieving them I am enjoying the journey towards them. I don’t want to degrade this journey by making it a means to an end.

Cheers to our journeys!

Good Night!

Sonya. (Day 259)


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