
Sometimes one goes through unexplained emotions, you are unable to comprehend the origin or reason of their presence yet they tend to stick around and do their work. As a self-help strategy you could detach and simply observe them to see what images and memories they present to you so as to get any clue. Then you receive vague ideas, however, you are unable to put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

Irrespective of how many ideas you have or assumptions you make unless some concrete physical evidence is given you remain in oblivion.

The perplexity which I referred to in my earlier post has been settled a bit and for now I have decided to wait and watch.

Last night was a night of revelations. As I was trying to focus on my breathing and relax many images and occasions of past emerged. What was surprising to know that when you decide to become a silent observer, devoid of any judgment or resistance or attachment, your intuition present a lot of information which you were not otherwise capable of knowing. So some hard-hitting incidences were shown to me and man!

Much of the time we blame others for the misery in our life but then you realize that you too have, whether consciously or unconsciously been an active participant of the problem. If you have ever seen in movies when the hero faces some conscience related issue, his devil and angelic side appears. One tells him to do the wrong thing and other preaches well-being. Something of the like happened with the only difference that I saw my negative side doing all troublesome things and the soul was just standing quietly observing it all.

I must say that those negative actions didn’t affect anybody else more than they affected me personally. Everybody around you is a mirror of who you are in the given moment, if everyone is chaotic/unhelpful or supporting/loving around you then understand that it is your own state of being which is reflected back to you. They all are actually doing us a favor of showing our true state of mind. Our subconscious mind is a really tricky place.

On the physical level it might seem that you are there and I am here but in Real sense we all are connected with each other and time and space are merely illusions. Much like a giant fish net on which appeared to be thousands of knots weaved at a distance, however, on a closer look they all are a part of one big thread.  So what affect one affects all.

In prayers of peace…

Sonya. (Day 274)


Star said…
Nice writing style:)
Star said…
Every time the strategy of wait & watch don't work....:):)

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