Pressure points

I sometimes wonder what keeps me busy through out the day or may be the day is shortened. Everything seems to pass by like the sand slips from hand, months have changed into weeks and days into minutes.

Probably the days are the same but we are running too fast, trying to do many things at a time- trying to be everything to everybody, trying to achieve a lot and complicating simple aspects of life. Doesn’t it feel that we are always running on an invisible treadmill throughout our lives.

What all we need is health, peace, some nice clothes, a plate of food-thrice a day, that’s all about it. Nevertheless, the desire to have more, that feeling of not having enough, that hunger seems to dwell with us an entire lifetime.

We desire an object and when we acquire it, the happiness of having that object stays only momentarily with us and then we desire something else. The cycle of desire and emptiness hardly ever leaves us, strange isn’t it!      

For a week now, I have been taking acupressure sessions and oh boy I am relaxed beyond my normal capacity to relax…

Although I take acupressure sessions regularly but they are mostly once or twice a month. Recently I was a reading a book on acupressure which mentions that once a day, on an empty stomach, press either the palm or soles. Include the fingers, web between the fingers and also the back of hand or feet. Giving five minutes to each hand press slowly with a massaging or pumping pressure that you could feel.

After this ten minutes session on both hands/feet, slowly but deeply press to check if there is any specific point where you feel pain. If it hurts on one or several points then there is an illness in that part/organ of the body.  Apply pressure like pumping or massaging on that painful point for two minutes, thrice a day until the pain is gone. Once the pain is gone that organ or part is healed.

You see our hands and feet have switchboards of every part and organ of our body, so if there is pain on any one point then it means there is illness in the corresponding part/ organ of the body. Of course you could have hurt your hand or feet and it could be local pain even if that is the case then deeply massaging/ pressing it for two minutes will also heal that local wound.

It is distressing that most illnesses don’t get detected in tests in early stages, only after an ailment has spread 40% it becomes apparent. For instance thyroid disturbances sometimes remain undetected for a lifetime but would still affect the body.  If we do not relieve this pain then toxins would began to accumulate in the body leading to harmful growths.

By acupressure only for 5 minutes each on hands/ feet could become a great way to do your own diagnosis and treatment. However, if the pain persists then it advisable to seek medical help.

This and other forms of natural therapies are amongst many of God’s Blessings so that we could take care of ourselves.

Good Night!

Sonya (Day 268)


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