The Magic

It might appear that I am on to book promotions these days but if I do not share this new one with you all then God help me! So here is my new pick “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne. After A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle I believe this is the one I have fallen in love with.

Well Rhonda would be a familiar name if you have watched the DVD or read her first book/ movie “The Secret”. After the release of the Secret Rhonda has developed certain practices and compiled those daily practices in The Magic. This book is more like a workbook with brief and easy daily exercises which when done shall raise your feelings and frequency to the highest levels of peace and joy. 

For those of you who don’t have too much time to spare in reading an entire book then this book is just right for you because instead of having chapters it has exercises for Day 1 & 2 and so on which you will read and do day by day.

Today is my 7th day with The Magic and I have to say that I feel light as a feather. I never thought that noticing and acknowledging every little thing in your life could have such a pleasant impact.

If you have watched or read the Secret then you would definitely love this one, and even you are first timer then the daily practices are just fun to do. So I say that you get a copy of this book and have fun with life.

The flu is fine now thankfully but the smell recognition might take a few days to return. Spring is here and so is the fine weather although it can be tricky at times because if you are outdoors in the afternoon then its quite hot and when you enter the indoors and switch on the fan it gets chilly. Result is flu, so one better be careful and go slowly in the heat-cold mix.

There has been a lot of paper work in the last week, one document after an another and the work took all my time, I should have planned better to mange everything but sometimes I don’t want to plan. Sometimes it is exhausting to be organized so its better to go easy on oneself.

So enjoy life as it comes..

Good Night!

Sonya. (Day 279)


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