Sometimes it feels good to deliberately keep yourself in fantasy or in false hope; however, when the reality hits you then the obvious outcome is pain and disorientation.

Faith in relationships shakes up, and you cannot understand what to do and where to go. This is the time when people run for some sound advice, somebody to tell them that its all going to be fine. No wonder the fake spiritual gurus take the undue advantage of innocent people. Sometimes the problems do get resolve by such attempts but in most cases people have to go through the challenge and only as the time passes one gets peace.   

It is during these times that our faith is tried, and everything that one preaches and practices is put to test. Most spiritual teachings say that a man only experiences in life whatever are his dominant thoughts and feelings; but then you ask yourself, is that theory always applicable? Or our destiny is already written? Irrespective of our prayers, good deeds, or positive intentions only minor changes or relief takes place whilst our destiny remain as it is, unchanged.

Yes today I have questions and lots of them; and I need some concrete, soothing answers. However, I am also aware that sometimes there are no answers; that sometimes you cannot know everything- because that’s how it is.

So what you do in the meanwhile; I think you pick up the broken pieces, give plenty of gratitude to what ever you have today, pray even harder and have faith that to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.

With my love & many blessings…

Sonya. (Day 328)


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