Health is wealth

Health is really our true wealth. There is so much truth in this one-liner because when you are not in the best of health then only you realize the essence of this simple sentence. I have been unwell since last Friday, although it was merely plain old over-work accompanied with flu but high fever was the real charmer. Now thankfully I am feeling much better and its only the weakness which now I have to deal with.

It was just bad management of many things that I have taken up on myself to do. I have to realize that I cannot do everything at once, when my poor body was giving me signals to stop and properly coordinate everything I ignored them.

While I was taking rest I thought it is such a luxury to be able to get all the medical help I need, proper care by all family members, the timely nourishing food so I can regain my strength, and especially the fact that I can take a break when ever I need to. Yes bodies can get ill but you have to look deep and find every single thing that you can be grateful for because that gratitude is the best remedy for all our physical and spiritual ailments.

These few days have been strange, every little memory or incident right from my childhood until now played in front of my eyes like a movie. At first I couldn’t understand and thought it was my mind going wild in the high fever, but then having no alternative but to pay attention to that mind movie I realized that it there is consistency and a pattern to all of it.

My mind was trying to bring forth every useless memory so I can observe it and allow it go. Even the TV play that created any sort of negative idea in me was also brought to my conscious awareness. It was very much like when you clean up clutter from the store room, you check the item’s worth before you decide to either throw it or keep it for further use.

As I began to pay attention not only the intensity lessened but my fever began to get controlled as well. Now there are different set of responsibilities/ duties coming my way where I have to consider not only myself but all around me, so I pray to manage my time and energy the best way.

With all my best wishes….

Sonya. (Day 325)    


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