New avenues

How quickly time passes by in Ramazan, I woke up at 3.30 in the morning had sehri then had some sleep time followed by the working hours. Entire day goes by managing chores and when it is the time for Iftaar everything falls right into place.

Only yesterday I did a balanced Iftaari so by night I was in good working condition because if there is too much intake of deep fried food then sluggishness is your only fate.

Come to think of it Ramazan schedules are actually the best routines; there is definite and fixed time to do everything, and your sleep-wake patterns get perfected.

Recently I have taken up the task of teaching law at university level. I cannot say what a truly satisfying experience it has become for me, to share what I have learned is amazing.

It is surprising that I, who through out my student life has been proclaimed as one of the shyest person when it came to public speaking is now actually teaching adults. Speaking/ arguing cases in courts was a different experience all together but when it came to teaching I surprised myself.

I could have never in my wildest imagination thought of becoming a teacher/ professor but things change. During my BBA we had to do so many class presentations and I always used to hide behind my group mates because I feared to speak. However, my Professors never ever took pity on me and whenever there was a new topic that needed to be presented, I always became their prey.

At that time I used to cry and get angry on my teachers who singled out me for presentations but little then I knew that they were actually preparing me for my future. Teachers are true blessings and they know what is best for their students, had they not made me do those long, regular presentations I would have never gathered the confidence to become a lawyer.       

I owe so much to all my teachers from my school, to college, university and then in life. I am so grateful to be given the gift of education and now to share that gift with others is beautiful. 
With best wishes…

Sonya. (Day 330)


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