Gastronomic delights

“After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one's own relations.” Oscar Wilde from A Woman of No Importance.

I cannot express how much the above is true and how amazingly one can change in his/her views on life after having gastronomic satisfaction. Few hours ago when I wrote the first draft of today’s post, I was bitter and angry, mostly on the political system but now after a good dinner I am a changed person. Everything seems to make sense now.

These days my family is complaining about my extra busy schedule but I am very happy with it. Sometimes keeping yourself busy especially with creative and productive activities becomes a blessing. Yes, at first, it might appear that I am unconcerned about the people whom I am connected to, but to be honest it is my therapy.

My problem is that I am too concerned about everybody in my life, to the extent that it exhausts me, drains me of my energy. So these days I am taking few steps back and trying to do something for myself only. Although I am always there physically for all my near and dear ones but once in a while I need an emotional break. I need to get my perspective clear, I need to decide what I really want and then work for it.

I believe this is the time that I should slight shake, if not break my emotional umbilical cord. You cannot live in two worlds, your physical world and the world of your dreams. Once and for all, you need to decide and take that one path which leads to a peaceful life.

Yes! you need to decide now, you need to act now, and you need to gather all the courage because its now or never.  Sometimes we fear for the consequences of our decision, whether acceptance or rejection would be our fate. But then we must realize that fear has never lead anyone anywhere.

The more you fear, the more you destine yourself for doom. It is not about acceptance or rejection; wining or loosing. It is all about doing our best and leaving the rest on God.

Have a wonderful week!

Sonya Syed. (Day 412)


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