To whom it may concern....

                I have to thank my friend for helping me with my emotional cleansing, for going that extra mile for me in selecting the right people and then finally helping me to release my inner demon, my hidden anger. There are definitely guardian angels working with all of us, sometimes they are disguised as humans.  

                You take up a spiritual path and you get the idea that now you are free of all negativity, that now you are all peace. But honestly you are living in fool’s paradise because what you have done is simply hidden the dust under the mat. One triggering event comes and you are back to square one with all the hidden material to deal with. 

                Nevertheless, we can only be cured if we accept that we are unwell. We can only learn and grow only if we accept that the knowledge we have is insufficient. Similarly in order to be actually healed we need to first accept that there are issues with us that need to be dealt with. Then the negativity gets released, comes into our awareness and we let it go. 

                It was in 2011 when I was learning and practicing acupressure at Dr. Zainab’s Clinic, we had a patient who had been suffering from chronic arthritis since she was 20 years old and now she is a grandmother.  

For some reason both of us connected, and she always asked for me to give her Reiki. For me it was a pleasure because she was very affectionate and I loved being around her.

                Few weeks into her treatment she started to feel better and then one day while I had almost completed our Reiki session she looked at me and said, ‘you know Sonya I got this muscular pain in my knees when I was about to get married.’

She continued, ‘I wanted to marry my cousin but he was not an educated man, so my father refused the proposal and married me to my husband. 

                ‘For two years, after my marriage I quietly lived with the pain of not marrying the one I liked, and that’s when I got arthritis. 

But you know what, today I am very thankful to my father who married me to the most wonderful person. My cousin whom I initially wanted to marry turned out be a terrible husband to his wife because he always forces her to get modern and extra friendly with his business partners.

Today I finally realized that I have so much to be grateful for, my loving husband, my beautiful family and my grand children. Today I have realized that I tortured myself for two years for somebody who was not even worth anything in my life.'

                It was then in that moment she suddenly realized the cause of her 30 years old chronic arthritis. She bravely accepted the truth. And that’s when she got healed. 

                A very Good Night!

Sonya Syed. (Day 409)


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