Lawn and more lawn

I am seriously getting scared now it is giving me goose bumps and also a bit drowsiness in the head. Before beginning I’ll tell you that I love to create/ design dresses, I have inherited this trait from my youngest Phuppi (my father’s youngest sister) Tabussum Aunty. Although I don’t make too many clothes but I like to form their images in my mind.

Whenever I couldn’t sleep at night or simply get bored I would take up my sketch book and draw dress designs, I choose colours and so on. And most of the time I would just make a perfect suit in my mind. At times when I am free and just want freshen up I would surf net for latest western trends or classic styles from 1930’s, all done randomly. 

So day before yesterday in my mind I saw myself in an orange dress. I liked the bright orange hue so I just started to play with that image in mind. Today few moments ago as I opened my facebook page I saw an orange dress exactly as I imagined it two days ago by one of my favourite brands. 

As I was seeing that particular dress in complete astonishment, suddenly Tabussum aunty popped up in chatting- asking me if I got any lawn from the exhibition of the same brand. 

She is not a regular at facebook and she would hardly know the exhibitions I attend but this time she just knew it. 

So here I am watching my mental creation manifested in reality on one side and on the other side my phuppi, who is origin of my inspiration, is asking me how did it go.   

I know this is very ladies stuff and also sounds crazy but there is some strange frequency going around. Can you look at the coincidence and this is not the first time it happened, especially with this particular brand. 

I am not aware who or how many people are behind that brand but it is a bit frightening to witness such coincidences regularly. 

Anyways these days Karachi is a war zone for lawn brands, everywhere with every possible name there is a lawn coming. Sadia, Maria, Sana, Lubna, Sara, Zara even Sonya you name it and there is a brand. 

The lawn fever goes out of control.
P.S: I'm a guy. But if lawn was advertised this way, I'd buy it like mad.

On a serious note, it is so wonderful to see that even in such crucial law and order situation and political uncertainty businesspeople and designers have faith in the economy. And my salute goes to all the residents of Karachi who face threats every other day but when they find peace even it is for two days they would bravely go out and enjoy every bit of life.

Terrorism can effect or even hurt the body but the mind and the spirit could never be touched. 

 Sonya Syed. (Day 407)


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