
For some strange reason I am unable enjoy the retirement which Sundays bring into our lives. On this particular day of the week I find myself surrounded with the feelings of lethargy and boredom, no TV show, nothing appears to be interesting and it all feels dull.

Life is thankfully getting into routine and discipline and there is something wonderful about waking up early morning. Spirit, mind and body are in perfect harmony at dawn; the day begins early in the quietude and transitory time when the ultimate darkness of night is leading the way for the brightness of sun and is beckoning for a new day. Probably this is why these early hours harmonise and resonates most with the human nature because regardless of the darkness of any time there shall be always light, giving way to the brightness of hope and new beginnings which shall inevitably follow through.

There are quite a few things that I would like to talk about but where and how to start is somehow puzzling. There have been some new readers to our blog and I heartily welcome them on behalf of all of us here. I have recently received some messages criticizing the content of the blog which mostly involved my speaking so bluntly about my personal life and the observations which I make about life in general.

I started this blog with the desire to express myself, share a thing or two which I have learned from my personal experiences and to take off my social mask. We enter our adult life believing that if we reveal our true self to people in general then they would take advantage of us or think of us as weak or vulnerable, so we acquire the modus operandi of putting on a mask behind which we think that we are able to hide our true self. As the time passes the layers of mask increases and then one day we find out that we have completely lost touch with who we really are and in all this fruitless exercise we have lost our authentic selves.
Thus I decided to go against this social masking norm of alleged self-protection and surrendered myself entirely to God’s protection and the result is nonetheless surprising. Instead of feeling vulnerable and afraid I now feel strong and protected, since I am now guided by the Highest Power of All I am also guided of how to behave and act in any given situation. And if at any time I behave unpleasantly then please note that it is not due to misguidance but my loosing of the Great connection.

In a nutshell the content of this blog is not to please or displease anybody, its neutral and please do not ever believe that whatever I have written or would write in the future is done with putting up a brave and happy face for the world and please do not believe that from inside I am depressed or melancholic. If at any given day I might feel down I shall be talking about it openly and that there is nothing to read between the lines. I must confess that I don’t write about everything which happens in my life however whatever I write is the truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

I have been so engrossed in talking with all of you that I didn’t listen to midnight arriving and it seems it has arrived suddenly without any footsteps.
I love you all…

Sonya. (Day 107)


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