Day 102

I cannot but thank enough all the dear readers of our blog who are being there everyday regularly albeit of my irregularity. The absence is somewhat intentional because now I have come to realize that the only time I should write is when I truly wanted to talk and have some concrete ideas to share otherwise writing for the sake of writing and filling the space would never produce sensible effects.

Familiarity with the place where one would sit in the solitude of night is a must however today I am not in my regular place that is my Mom’s room which I have occupied lately. She has to go bed early so I have been kicked out of the room with utmost respect.

At the moment I am in my room sitting at an allegedly conventional place for using computers, that is, a proper table and chair yet I could candidly declare that I am in the most uncomfortable setup but never mind the discomforts because the energy to connect with all of you is far more positive and invigorating.
It gets quite in late night hours so I switched on my room TV with minimum sound as it might cover for aloofness in the room and some how give me the sense of humans being around.

Well the latest news is that my official work place is changing its form and we would be shifting soon in another building where it is located exactly have not been decided yet; so currently a home office is about take place and from there all work shall be conducted. Honestly speaking this dramatic change was not appreciated by me initially; nevertheless, as I went more into the details it appeared to be a very rational decision and now I am enjoying every bit of this transformation. For so long I wanted to set up a home library in a Victorian style room décor but the library would be manifested in this way was definitely never thought of.

Somebody very wisely said, “be very careful what you wish for because it might come true”.

The night beckons and slumber is coming in full throttle .

With lots of love to all of you wonderful people.

Sonya. (Day 102)


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