Burden of Love

Anger, fear, irritation, jealousy, abrupt judgement of any situation or person, or any other negative emotion when is the basis of our decisions and choices then it is perfect recipe of disaster for both present and the future. Not only these emotions compel us to make hastened choices but also make us short-sighted; we tend only to follow, hear and see whatever our thoughts (a voice in our head) tells us. In the heat of such imbecile moments we loose sight of the positives of past and the result such choice or decision which we would have to face in future.

The only thing which resonates with us is that we want to be right no matter what the consequences are. The ego in us loves to give us a sense of separateness and alienation; it wants us to become alone. The only aim of our egos is to become inflated so it could feel good about itself regardless of the state of human in which it resides.

Whatever I just wrote might or might not make sense to any of you; however, it does not pertain to anyone specific rather it is a general observation.
Surfing TV yesterday I saw a show where a lady was taking interview of parents who were abandoned by their sons, daughters or kith and kin living in welfare/old-houses. The interviews were so saddening that I was unable to stay on that channel for more than 5 minutes.
Our society which we so proudly proclaim to be based on human values and family system seems to be a sham, a mockery of values and morale. People with very low income due to their extreme poverty conditions might be excused but I have seen so many people who are very well off yet they can’t seem to bear the burden of their elderly parents living with them under the same roof. In one case there was a single mom who raised and educated her son in very difficult circumstances without any help from her family. When the son grew up he began working at a high position at a renowned bank, he got married and then one fine evening he and his wife quietly packed all the stuff of his mom and kept her suitcases in their garage and politely asked her to leave the premises immediately.
I am speechless and so it seems appropriate to end today’s post only on this note that one should be particularly careful as to what one does because this life is designed with the law of cause and effect, our karma. Whatever good or evil we do in our life it invariably returns to us sooner or later, in some way maybe with different names and faces but it will come back.
We believe that God is ever ready to catch us for our sins however that is not the case, instead God has devised for us this brilliant Law of Cause and Effect and there are no exceptions to it.

Sonya. (Day 104)


Naved Ahsan said…
Well i call it "WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND" so watch it dear all. But on the part of ego, i would say, its very important part of ones parsonality and some balanced ratio of it a must for everything, however, we must also not let it ride on us. thx all specially the HOST.

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