Joy with an Attitude for Gratitude

As the heat perseveres the electricity department persists in spontaneous power cuts but the nation endures this predicament with all the patience which a normal mind cannot even comprehend.

I was reading somewhere that Denmark is the world’s happiest and the richest country with Finland, Norway, Sweden next in row; however the survey pointed out that although money is a crucial factor because there is a sense of security and well being associated with it nevertheless the real happiness is not only connected with high income. Their day-to-day happiness is more likely to be associated with how well one's psychological and social needs are being met. As a tradition Danish people work till 4 pm and then they take out their bicycles go to the market for shopping. The measure of success for them is not financial success rather their level of happiness and they give their special care and highly regard their elders, something we have abandoned long ago.
Similarly and surprisingly Costa Rica is the happiest country of Americas despite their moderate income levels. Costa Ricans like their European counterparts have high regard of relationships and most of their lives are spent in forming and strengthening their relationship bonds.

I visited Singapore couple of years ago and during our very first ride in the taxi we noticed to our sheer amazement that the cab driver was humming and whistling during driving. At first we all looked at each other in complete bewilderment and then gradually realized that the whistling and humming was not to offend us but he was so much enjoying the whole process of driving that his singing was simply the expression of joy. The more and more we integrated in the city we understood that most of the cab drivers are very happy and contend with their jobs even though their income was quite moderate. The entire city seemed to be welcoming life everyday, everyone was dressed up and their hair were made up and it appeared as if all of them are enjoying and celebrating their lives every single day.
Undoubtedly money has a significant place in our lives yet it is not everything, it might take care of your bills and necessities; nevertheless true happiness depends on how we all Choose to live and analyze our life situations. The more positive the outlook the more joyous is the effect. What is within will always be reflected in the without.
The starting point of true joy and I am not using happiness because it’s a vague term and it depends upon external factors. Pure joy comes when we deeply accept whatever is taking place in our lives, be grateful for each and every little thing we have and feel abundant albeit on the physical plane we do not have much materially. Be grateful for the cup of tea, for the food, for your parents, for your health, for your eduaction, to be able to see and hear, for the sun which nourishes us, for the sky, for the internet, for computer, for utensils.

We can also feel abundant by being grateful for what others have- for instance be grateful for so much food at your local grocery, for the BMW that just passed by you in the street, for someone’s beautiful house and feel grateful and abundant as if it all belong to you.
I have started to keep a Gratitude Journal in which I daily write 5 things for which I am truly grateful for. These things don’t have to be huge material possessions but quite simple things. Then as you do this exercise daily you would realize that it takes you to such a highly intense positive frequency of gratitude and joy.
Happiness is a decision we make today. Choose to be joyous, content & grateful now in the present moment because this moment is all there is.
With all my deepest affections.
Sonya. (Day 103)


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