Quarter-life Crisis (Part Two)

So you may be wondering, "Am I having a quarter-life crisis?" To help you answer that question, take this quarter-life crisis diagnosis quiz which consists of 24, appropriately, questions. Read each question carefully and answer quickly with a simple yes or no (don't over think it!):

1. Are you in a "bad temper" when you feel like nothing is terribly wrong, but nothing seems right either?

2. Do you feel older for the first time in your life?

3. Are you unmotivated, directionless or passionless?

4. Are you concerned that you don't know what you want to do with your life?

5. Do you feel pressure to grow up and get your adult life in order?

6. Do you feel entitled to a life much grander than the one you are living?

7. Do you often feel depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, lost, and maybe even a little hopeless?

8. Do you feel a lot of pressure and expectations to do, have or be something?

9. Do you ever feel that time is running out in regards to figuring out your career and deciding whether you want to get married and/or have children?

10. Are you stressed out by choices that seemingly will affect the rest of your life?

11. Are you experiencing confusion or disappointment in your career?

12. Do you feel that you have failed because you don't know what you want to do with your life?

13. Do you know what you want to do, but can't seem to make it work?

14. Is it difficult for you to make decisions and when you do, you question them?

15. Do you overanalyze yourself?

16. Do you ever feel guilty for complaining about your life or feel like you are disappointing people (especially your parents)?

17. Are you embarrassed that you have not figured out more?

18. Is a breakup, romantic relationship, or lack of one causing you stress and/or sadness?

19. Do you frequently compare yourself to other people your age and feel like you don't measure up?

2o. Do you feel financially unstable?

21. Could your self-esteem use an upgrade?

22. Are you thinking about going back to grad school because you don't know what else to do with your life?

23. Are you constantly thinking about the future resulting in anxiety and possibly panic?

24. Is your life just not at all turning out like you planned?*

If you answered "yes" to 12 or more of the 24 questions above, you are likely to be experiencing a quarterlife crisis. But don't worry, this is not bad news! The purpose of the quiz is to show you that you are actually going through a very normal and natural rite of passage that no one may have warned you about. In case these symptoms become severe it is advisable to consult a psychiatrist and get proper help.*

I for one I think that this is a time for change and to learn the art of living and surviving in this world. It is a subtle invitation from a Higher Power, or God to transform our lives and emerge as new species, to become the human being which we are supposed to be. It’s the stage when we as humans are given an opportunity to change from caterpillar to butterfly.

The tool which I have been blessed with was a book which helped me and entirely transformed my life and that book was “A New Earth- by Eckhart Tolle”. This book helped me realize the insignificance of the things that I thought to be crucial for my existence. This book has nothing to do quarter-life crisis, nor with the religion, nor with your belief system but it’s a book written to give answers to our life, show us a direction, give us signposts and it also helps tremendously to understand the religion and prayers far more deeply, irrespective of what religion or tradition you follow.

However it is quite amazing that whenever I suggest this book to others they become extremely reluctant and apprehensive to read it and give me one million reasons or excuses of running away from it, although all of them are fervent readers. Something in them gets scared from this book or maybe we all are addicted to our miseries or sadness or anger, though we at times advocate peace but deep down we don’t want it. This book will either resonate with you immediately or would be meaningless to you, in the latter case one is not ready to embark on the new journey yet but it is better to keep it with you and when your time will come you would read it.

I hope this post have been helpful in any way to my dear readers.

Love to all my lovelies.

Sonya. (Day 99)


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