Problems & solutions

There is a time for everything and if the required action is not taken timely then catastrophe is the only logical outcome. We spend so much of our time worrying or running away from the main issue and it seems to be our inherent tendency to keep our problems at arm’s length. Nothing gets solved from going on going whether verbally or with repetitive movie-making in our minds of the issues which are problematic.

There is a technique which has been proved successful over the time, with me personally, that one should sit down and outline each & every problem item and then deal with them respectively, the tougher ones first. Nonetheless before starting all this exercise a clear cut Intention of really solving the problem(s) and having a perfect outcome should be made or else in no time our unfocused efforts would go down the drain.

Endeavours, aims & expectations of the past are being wrapped up now and new avenues of hope, bliss and faith shall be opening up. I have wasted so much of my time in telling Life what I want from it however, this time I am stepping back and asking life, what does life want from me? To some this might seems to be a lazy approach but honestly speaking I have never felt quite so focused and proactive throughout these years.

Tomorrow shall begin earlier than usual dearest ones and I need to doze off early so friends siesta time….

With my utmost affections.

Sonya. (Day 106)


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