
Something absolutely magical happened with me today and I very much would like to share it will all of you. I bought a clothing material for myself few days ago and wanted to stitch it in a particular design; however, I needed a sample picture of that design and the only way I could get that was from the internet. But as usual due to my laziness I was reluctant to open my PC, surf the net and take the print out.

Today, in the afternoon as I came out of my room I saw on the dining table latest copy of an exclusive magazine which had that particular design and many others. The amazing or spooky part is that no one in the house has either bought or ordered that magazine yet its brand new issue in the most pristine condition was just lying in our garage. All I could say is that it has fallen directly from the sky, right into my lap.

At first I was trying to figure out how this has happened because nobody else besides me both in my family and in friends circle was aware that I was in search of any design / pattern. Then I realized that this HOW is not important and it is not my job to comprehend the workings of God because the Almighty Power, God, the Universe always know the shortest, the quickest and the most perfect way to manifest our wishes and desires. And if someone I know is responsible for this then he/she has all my prayers for a healthy, wealthy & peaceful life, God Bless you!

So this is how our intention and thoughts work and as very aptly said by Shah Rukh Khan and I quote “that if you need something with all your heart and soul then the entire Universe would conspire to bring the object of your desire to you.” Ha ha ha, very filmy hun!

Law of attraction or law of cause and effect, or that to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction are all the mystical discoveries which we are blessed with. Our mind is an immensely powerful and magnificent gift which if used for the good could transform our lives into a sheer blessing. If we have purity of heart and intention of goodness for all, then we are the supreme beneficiary of our own action and intentions; on the contrary, if we decide to use this power to anyone’s ill then we could do no harm to others but create unimaginable sufferings for our self.

So do good and feel great my lovelies.

Good Night & my love.

Sonya. (Day 142)


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