My Deepest Gratitude To You All

It is not my routine to write in the evenings however I must say that today is one those beautiful and serene evenings which inspires you. The weather is simply perfect with cold breezes and I don’t have the words to describe the effect which evening sunlight is having on me. There is something different about today- it seems as the colour of flowers, of sky and everything is different; more vibrant more alive. I feel to have today a different pair of eyes, the sounds, the smells in the air and the taste food is bursting with flavours.

What has happened to me I do not know but I pray that it remains like this forever. I want to deeply thank all of you for being such wonderful readers of this blog, for remembering me in your prayers and always giving me your love and appreciation which are very precious and important to keep me going with my writings. So Thank You for just being…

When I first began blogging, I thought I am doing it for myself but then gradually this blog developed its own personality. And today this blog has moved beyond the descriptions of my day or its activities and has become a medium not only to connect with people I know but to many of you I have never met.

With time so many of you started to come in and became a part of this blog, in fact became my Extended Family. When I receive your emails, comments, phone calls about any post it just feels great and make my efforts all the more worthwhile. Many thanks to the people who designed this medium which provided us with the ease and luxury of expressing ourselves so freely and also to connect with anyone around the world effortlessly.

How easily we take people and things around us for granted, when the reality is that no matter how rich or powerful we are we cannot function alone in this world. We are a part of the other and they are a part of us, intertwined in this wonderful web of life. 

Have a wonderful weekend….

My love to all!

Sonya. (Day 280)


Star said…
Classic write ups and really appealing school of thought....

Same wishes for you.......:)God bless you.
Sonya Syed said…
Thank you so much for all your encouraging comments..God Bless you too..

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