Caution & Mistakes

I seriously need to change all my profile pictures because seeing myself with the same smile in same attire for months is literally aching my eyes. I admire people on facebook who constantly update their status and profile pictures, it makes them so present.

Whilst people like me who are highly cautious about themselves can never do anything that is remotely connected to socializing. My list of many do’s and don’ts have restricted me. There are quite a few people these days who are telling me to relax my rules a bit.

I am always stuck up in what is practical and rational but sometimes it is wise to allow oneself to fly high without any logic, let things be. Why does everything has to be either this way or that way, why cant things just be.

I don’t know if leading such a cautious life is feasible or not in the long-run but if I have to assess on the current results then it has both its advantages and disadvantages. Advantage is more on the professional front when caution leads to wise decisions without any involvement of emotions. The disadvantage is that people you meet also start to behave cautiously with you. Thus the vital human communication is reduced to a mechanical almost robot like connection.

Cautiousness might at times be interpreted as reserved nature or pride which will undoubtedly stop the help or moral support coming your way. Sometimes its fine to allow yourself to make mistakes and to be vulnerable, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to learn and grow in life.

I accept that in past and sometimes even now I hardly ever allow myself to make mistakes and the obsession to make everything perfect worsens the situation. Unfortunately this obsessive & cautious behaviour also leads to anxiety and stress.

When the reality is, we are not supposed to be perfect, we are here to take our journey with all our foolishness and mistakes, learn from them and strive with best of our capability to excel as humans. 

With best wishes…

Sonya. (Day 338)


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