Candle in the Wind

Many apologies for suddenly vanishing from the blog, it wasn’t intentional rather it was due to lack of time or if I should say due to my poor time management skills. When I had the time I lacked the energy and vice versa. So how its been with all of you? How is life going, is there something new or the same old same ol’?

14th August, our independence day, passed and Ramazan almost leaving us for another year. In my childhood there used to be so many preparations for 14th August that as a child I believed it was a religious event something like mini Eid.

Similarly throughout the night there used to be continuous chanting from Mosques of Hamds ( Praise of God), Naats (Eulogiums/ Praise of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H) and teachings of Quran. These beautiful sounds coming from a distance at mid-night enthralled all and impacted the heart and mind with peace and a comfort that its all fine.

Nevertheless as we grew, along with us grew instability in this beautiful city. Now its only on very special occasions that such gatherings are arranged in mosques. I feel really bad for our younger generation that they didn’t experience the magnificence of this city like we did.   

With all that has been going in background, we all have hope. A candle of hope, in the wind of darkness is still lit somewhere in our hearts.

It is true that we cannot fight darkness but its only a little light which is enough to break darkness. 

In hope & peace…

Sonya. (Day 342)

* Title Candle in the Wind is courtesy of Elton John's song of 1997 dedicated to Princess Diana.


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