
This week has been pretty busy so there is a bit of tiredness which is of course lessening the work capacity. Today I took off from all the activities, planned to relax and kill time. Sometimes I think it is wise to do nothing because there is an exceptional beauty in nothingness.

Ramadan are going perfectly, better than they were expected to be due to the heat and long hours of fasting. What we feared the most has become so easy for us to experience, even the sky-rocketing prices of food items are somehow becoming tolerable for a common man. Truly there is some Divine force for Whose Magnificence we all shall remain indebted for an eternity, He Who gives us the strength to move on or else life would become an unbearable burden.

There is some strong inclination within to write about love. What is this strange phenomenon “Love” that all Religions, Prophets, Sages and scholars have so ardently preached and practiced?  To us love has been limited to the affections and care we have for our parents, family, friends. If we add a bit to it, then we talk about romantic love.

Love has been compartmentalized and has such a limited perspective and it always ends at falling in love with somebody. But is this all or there is something more to it? Yes at times you can feel and have certain feelings for somebody but that is limited to physical attraction.

I think love is not limited to certain sensations and related thoughts but it goes beyond that. With what I have learned, love is accepting everybody as they are without the obsessive need to change them as per our wishes. Love is true forgiveness of our own mistakes as well as the mistakes others have made.

Love is being deeply grateful for the little and big things in life. Love makes our memory short-termed because we easily forget the painful times. Love is praying for the peace & happiness of everyone especially, for the ones who gave us hard times. Love opens up our heart and mind where we love all that is. Love also brings forth in us all forms of creativity and our hidden gifts.

There are occasions when someone particular enters our life and break our egoist shelves, our masks, our hardness, complicated web of our negativity; then they either stay or leave  our lives so we can to take on from there. This breaking, bruising would eventually lead us to the true love where we accept, forgive & love without any conditions.

However, Love does not mean that we hug and invite on dinner our business partner who defrauded us, love also does not mean that we become doormats and love certainly does not mean that we take the abuse of others. But when we are in the state of acceptance, gratitude and forgiveness we automatically become very close to God. With this closeness to God true intelligence arises which then guides us to take the right action; to stay or move out; and to respond not react.

If we can experience this love even if for brief moment then I believe our purpose in this world is accomplished.

With lots of love…

Sonya. (Day 341)


Naved said…
A good one and I totally agree. Whats the difference between love and infatuation?? The answer is hidden deep inside your own self.

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