Early Monday

Today I write in early, way early than my usual timing but its better to express yourself when you feel like, rather you wait for the right moment. Finally after a lot of negotiations with myself I came to a resolution, and at last I decided that I cannot make everything right. That sometimes things need to get out of order and fall apart so a new and beautiful order can be made.

For quite some time I have been struggling with myself and trying to do what is right. However, I didn’t realize that what I believed to be right could be extremely wrong for many people including myself.

We humans make our decisions based on the evidence which we perceive through our five senses. Nevertheless, there are moments when our sixth sense intervene and compels us to go beyond our five senses and take a leap of faith; to only focus on the purity of my intentions and peace for everybody. That is exactly what I am doing, I am stepping into the unknown with my faith intact.

Somebody I know was suffering from severe acidity and insomnia for months. She took all the medicines and did all the therapies; however, it wasn’t making much difference. I read in the book ‘The Secret’ that if you watch news before sleeping and you wake up in the middle of the night with severe acidity or indigestion then don’t be surprised.

You see reading newspaper and watching news on TV have ill effects on our health, although we claim to be unaffected yet these things work. Some say that we need to be informed but my dears what is the use of getting information about things that you cannot change. Except if you work in the business and stock market. Unfortunately for the people in business and especially in stocks and shares business have to watch news very carefully. Nevertheless, the least they can do is to strictly remain to what they need to know and avoid unnecessary bombardment.  

So I convinced the lady, who is addicted to newspaper and 10 o’clock news, to quit reading and watching news for a month and see what happens. Surprisingly she agreed to try my cure and its been two weeks now that her acidity is almost gone and she sleeps comfortably.

Like many others in this city I have banned newspapers and breaking news from our lives. Sometimes escaping can be beneficial.

Have a wonderful day!

Sonya. (Day 387)


Star said…
Wah Wah.. What an idea Madam G!
Sonya Syed said…

Thank you, Im glad if the idea really sinks in.

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