Unfocused Media

Unexpected twists and turns spice up life, especially the good ones. How beautiful it is when one does not expect anything from anybody, there comes a moment out of the blue which shows us an entirely different perspective of people and circumstances. And then we are humbled and grateful for relinquishing the belief that there is no more virtue left in the world.

New avenues have been lined up for me and I don’t have a clue as to where to proceed, but I don’t need to worry because as usual I shall consult the Higher Power to guide me towards the right path.

Most of the day was spent either walking or reading some academic material the aim of which I am still unable to understand, but we do what we have to.

Finally the hot and happnin issue of the matrimony of two international stature celebrities has been settled, yes Shoaib and Sania are about to tie the knot, InshaAllah. I never had any interest in either cricket or cricketers but thanks to the bombardment of this news from all corners of the electronic media I learnt a thing or two. I must say that the role our domestic media in this entire drama was highly unbecoming, it was disturbing to see two people getting hounded and badgered by the media. First the news of celeb wedding, then the vamp angle and finally senseless debates on TV about the problems these two might experience after marriage due to their stardom, God forbid. What sort of nonsense is this I wonder?

Freedom of speech and expression are inherent rights of any democracy all the same to exploit and abuse and not setting any limits to these rights is imprudent. We have to understand that with the power comes the responsibility and in equal proportions. Individuals also possess a right to privacy and just being famous does not entitle anybody to falsely believe that personal lives of the famed are public property as well. If any one does anything publicly then you might report that if it’s so important but what one does within the privacy of their homes should be respected. It is abominable that the Indian media who took shots of the insides of Sania’s residence, her terrace or her room is horrendous and scary to watch.

We were so blinded by trivialities that much awaited 18th amendment restoring our Constitution has been passed but unfortunately it was so overshadowed by wedding news that we didn’t have any idea about the nature and points passed in this highly integral Constitutional package.

For the first time in our lives we witness a revolution in Kyrgyzstan where people literally threw out the entire parliament due to their corrupt practices but did we see a proper coverage of this news. Of course not, someone’s marriage and invites and Qazi was far more significant.

I apologize if I may sound infuriated but I feel strongly towards this issue. I really appreciate our media’s role for all that it endeavours in exposing injustices prevalent today in our country; nevertheless I would also like to see a more matured media who respects the privacy of individuals.

So on a rather wishing note, me signing off……….

Sayonara dear ones and sleep tight……………………………

Sonya. (Day 57)


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