Fun with Family

After a peculiar incident we finally got out of the situation safely. Thank God for that!

Healthy entertainment is difficult to find these days but if we are fortunate enough to discover it then I say, grab it by both hands and make the most of it. Yeh that’s what happened in my case I almost discovered a venue which was for couple of years located right under my nose and I just didn’t see it. It is bizarre when something that we deeply desire is within our easy excess but we are just unable to notice it. I hope that doesn’t happen to anybody else. Anyways couple weeks ago I suddenly noticed Arena, entertainment & recreational club, in the midst of Karsaz Road in Karachi. I had seen its hoarding a thousand times but ignored it every time, I thought it would be some sort of children play area-cum-restaurant place. Today we finally decided to bless this place with our gracious visit and to my pleasant surprise it is a real cool place to spend time. The visitors were all gentry and haut monde. With reasonably affordable price range various indoor activities are offered like ice-skating, bowling, mini golf, video games, and play areas for younger ones and the most important feature is the cafĂ© although they have vast range of food & beverages but my personal favourite being cold coffee makes it even better; besides it just 15-20 minutes drive from our place.

It looks like that I am their marketing rep but you see if good needs to spread then I don’t mind it. Every Sunday evening was immensely boring especially for the youngest member of our family Adeel, my dearest cousin/baby, he used to get extremely desperate to go out and have some fun. I for the very first time in my life did bowling and my goodness I had fun, it gave an adrenaline effect. I didn’t know how to pick up the ball let alone knowing B of bowling, so I asked for some basic tips from the gentleman standing right beside my alley. He was kind enough to give me the start up tips and guided me about the weight of ball that I should play with. In my stupidity I picked up the heaviest ball of 12 kg when I should be playing with an 8/9 kg ball. Out of 20 throws I managed to hit only two but those were perfect strokes, if I can call them strokes, when I hit all ten pins twice; Hurray! I hope to do better next time, InshaAllah!!

With love and sweet dreams I take your leave now to watch a political debate on TV…………

Sonya. (Day 55)


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