Laziness or Intuition

There are days which have no events to narrate, nothing to express, one simply sits idyllic and just be; however, this has become monotonous in my case. I don’t write a word unless I have an intense impulse to begin, it might sound to few a form of laziness to just depend on some intuition and not be pro-active, of not taking charge of things. Believe me most of my life I had never taken a back seat, if anything needs to be done then I would immediately start to think of how to take action and make necessary calls, that’s what most of us do.

Nevertheless, I have come to a better understanding, instead of telling God what I need to make me happy I just tell Him that I want to be happy and the way to get to it would be shown automatically. A point comes when one has exhausted all possible resources and thinking and still we get nowhere, it is then you consciously decide to handover the matter to the Higher Power to show the way. Many a times the way is not shown immediately it might take days or months or even years, but the powerful and true direction shall be revealed we just have to keep our fingers crossed. In the meanwhile even if we do take action it will be illuminated and right would be sifted from wrong.

Before I leave thank you Sameer for your comments and I will definitely keep in mind your advice but you see interaction is a two-way communication, I have done my bit as for the others’ side it’s actually up to the others. Intention for starting this blog is purely to express myself and share my experiences, I am grateful when people visit my blog and it would be nice if people Followed it however if they decide to do otherwise then I don’t have any qualms about it.

Until next time ………… Adios Amegos !!!

Sonya. (Day 56)


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