
I didn’t even realize its been 13 days since I last wrote I thought merely couple of days elapsed; At times I so much wanted to write but the tiredness of body didn’t allow me. Nevertheless, now I am in your esteemed presence and with love.

What is the recipe which manufactures successful or accomplished individuals? Is it their sheer hard work, perseverance or plain simple luck? Everyone gives their best to win, to prove their mettle, to be recognized and accepted for their efforts; nonetheless very few make it to the top.

From what I have seen through my personal observation is that neither the quantity nor quality of labour invested is primary but how you manage everything is the most crucial element. We daily come across people who are highly talented, works meticulously day in and day out but they remain underrated. Then there are very few who possess limited or no relevant talent yet they achieve the acme of their fields.

When I was completing my law I almost gave my life to few subjects and studied everything which one could think of. On the other hand there was my classmate who told me that she has left few topics entirely and would only concentrate on selected ones, I didn’t pay any heed to her rumblings. To my astonishment I only got 70/100 scores while she had 89/100. When I asked her how it happened she was kind enough to enlighten me that she applied pure management skills. She said ‘I observed the trend and method that our professor used. Whatever he emphasized I worked on that only, what sort of answers work for his subject, whether he prefers brief self written stuff or lengthy book material.’

So I learned that no matter what it is, be very clear about what you want, focus on the success of your endeavor and study diligently the techniques of the ones who achieved the same thing.

Often it has happened that we want one thing and then unconsciously invest our energies in a completely different direction. I know a young doctor who complains that her peers who are less skilled get the maximum patients while she is not given enough opportunity by God to exhibit her talents. I asked her what she actually wants; is it maximum patients or variety of complicated diseases to use new treatments or she wants to be a millionaire. She replied money is not her issue at all she just needs it to meet her ends respectably, as for the cases she really wanted 100 patients with challenging diseases to diagnose.

So I said to her that 'in order for you to handle challenging diseases there should be 100 people suffering from severe diseases; something which God would definitely not prefer. Hence your wish and aim are unfulfilled.' Fortunately she understood the concept and now she works voluntarily in underprivileged area hospitals with more than 100 patients daily and focuses her effort on research and academic work in her field. So the problem is solved just by being aware of what you want.

If you want a brand new sports car what actually you want is either very high self esteem or financial success and stability so you would get whatever you want. If you start to work on improving your self worth/esteem you might not even require a flashy car to enhance your worth in the eyes of others. And if you want financial success then first focus on your income level, savings and astute finance management and then the sports car would come to you as a natural consequence.

Many also emphasize on the significant part luck plays in our success. I personally know that God has a blueprint of our life in His Mind but nothing is hard and fast and when we focus on exactly what we want and pray and then follow all signs and directions shown to us by Him to achieve our goal we move straight in the direction of our aim, like an arrow. It might take time but we shall get what we have asked for.

All I humbly want is to remain in your love & prayers.

Sonya. (Day 62)


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