
Condolences and prayers for all those who lost their lives and loved ones to the earthquake in China, killing more than 400 and injuring approximately 10,000 people. It is another sad incident after the aircraft crash of Poland’s President, his wife, army personnel and civilians. May God rest their souls in peace.

Life has such unexpected packages in store for us; with a blink of eye it has the power to change the entire course of so many lives. We all must be grateful for what we have and pray that the blessings of God shall remain with us, always.

In the quietness of afternoons when Indian cuckoo chirps somewhere it symbolizes the arrival of summer. Even in that humidity a sense of clam enthrals our being only if we stop for a moment, take a breadth and listen to that sound devoid of all mental noise or thinking or judgement, just being there totally in that moment.

How beautiful it is if we could feel the breeze touching us, hear sounds in proximity, see all that is around us. As Jesus Christ said Look at the lilies in the field; of course he did not mean to just look at them what he meant is to really look without referring to the data stored in our memories about lilies. Look as a young child who has no prior knowledge and who keenly observes everything around him. Contemplate. It does not infer that we forget or abandon what we have learned about plants and flowers but it merely implies not to bring the data into active use when observing nature.

And if you are quite enough then something inside you shall resonate with something in the nature, as if we are able to hear and feel the presence of every being in nature and ultimately feel the presence of the main Source of all living beings, God.

So good night in the presence of God……….

Sonya. (Day 60)


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