
If I have to make a list of the most boring things to do then shopping would top my list. Whether it’s for clothes, shoes or anything this is something that I am really uncomfortable doing. In case I decide to take this humongous task I want to get over with it as quickly as possible, thankfully I’m a quick decision maker so I hardly encounter any confusion. All I have to do is to come in contact with the object of my desire this might take some time but after that everything falls into place. The one quality of mine I truly admire is that 99% of the time I know what I want; life becomes so easy when we have a clear cut idea of our desires otherwise with trillions of option available things are bound to get confusing.

Today I’m sort of shopping/browsing for a new mobile and its comforting to know that I have short-listed couple of them so buying would be easy now. All of them are simple and apt for my needs to the surprise of many I’m not going for any pricy options. Life has become very simple and basic for me; I don’t have the need to impress anyone anymore nor is there any desire to win appreciation or awe or value through pricy possessions. When we began to understand the reality of life and how trivial it is, then material things loose their allure and enchantment; juxtaposing we loose so much of the density and transform into lightness.

In such lightness I take your leave to rest. Good Night or shall I say Good Morning.

Sonya. (Day 59)


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