
Such a waste of time and energy when efforts are focused on useless aims, but who knew that the aims were useless it was only after a certain time was invested we realize their futility. It leads us back to square one or as said loth key budho ghar ko aiey (after a purposeless journey idiots return home).

Since I’m trying my best to transform into a positive thinker I’ll look at the situation with a glass half filled perspective; so some good did come out and the tasks which were dormant once became not only active but were completed with a degree of perfection.

At times regardless of how sincere and dedicated our efforts have been things are simply not meant to manifest. So what should we do then, should we keep on trying or call it quits? Or should we wait patiently with a belief that we did our best and have faith in the destiny. One thing which I am sure of is the Effect shall never be different from the Cause, it might be delayed however.

So what is the conclusion of all this, I guess nothing. Life is not about conclusions since that would imply the end of mysteries and end of life itself.

My love in its entirety.

Sonya. (Day 61)


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