Thank God for Your Mercy

Before anything else, I thank Almighty with all my heart for saving all of us last night from the earthquake of 7.4 magnitude. I didn’t know until in the afternoon mainly because of my allergy to newspapers and no TV policy in morning. What could have been lost is just overwhelming to even wrap my mind around and all I can say that Thank You Lord.
Lord, Save Us, We Perish
Pilot of the soul, awake,
Save us for thy mercies' sake;
Now rebuke the angry deep,
Save, O save thy sinking ship!

Stand at the helm, our vessel steer,
Mighty on our side appear
Saviour, teach us to descry
Where the rocks and quicksands lie.
The waves shall impotently roll,
If thou 'rt the anchor of the soul:
At thy word the wind shall cease,
Storms be hush'd to perfect peace.

Be thou our haven of retreat,
A rock to fix our wav'ring feet,
Teach us to own thy sovereign sway,
Whom the winds and seas obey………………..Augustus Montague Toplady

Then my little cousin brother had 105º fever last night and it was total panic at home mostly due to me. I just can’t bear the thought of the younger ones being ill, although I did my bits of acupressure and reiki but when fever has to increase and do whatever it needs to do then one simply has to move out of the way and let the immune system do its job. The calmest were his parents and my mom but no I have to be the high frequency tower of anxiety, something which I really need to work on.
However, now he is much better with no fever Alhamdulillah. There is weakness though which shall Insha’Allah will turn into usual physical strength in its due time.
It is such a grace of God that we have the tendency to return to our normal state from where ever we are of how ever we are or else the survival in this world would have become agonizing.

Sonya. (Day 169)


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