New Year Resolutions

I can’t believe it, I am writing this post after a year. Yeh I know it’s a pretty stale joke but what can I do, this is the best my sense of humour goes. So its 2011, new year new beginnings or at least new hope. In 2010 I made a resolution to loose minimum 25 lbs weight and I can proudly say that not an inch has been reduced on my waist in fact I am afraid that there has been some increase. Last night when I was struggling to get into my old clothes I was heartbroken because nothing seems to fit. It is so sad...

Therefore in 2011 I have decided to have some reasonable and achievable goals rather than wasting my time on stupid ideas. This year, I promise to keep up a healthy and disciplined routine, free my mind from the last year’s clutter and be proactive. Once you get an opportunity to meet lots of people of all minds, shapes and sizes, you then commit  to be amongst the people with positive attitudes and postive outlook on life; so one could learn from their postivity, their experience, their traits thus have some space to evolve as a better person. Hence in 2011 I resolve to be a better, wiser, peaceful human and definitely follow my intuition and common sense instead of looking ridiculous with my habitual neurotic patterns.

After a break of months I drove car in the most bizarre traffic of Karachi, although its scary enough to sit back and watch how motorbikes zig zag their way and how easily a driver at a busy street going on the left side suddenly decides to turn right. Now when I drove I wanted to have at least 10 brains and 2nd pair of hands because the limited mental & physical resources I have they won't help me much to survive this traffic. Nobody seems bothered about anyone else on the road; then there are also surprises/shocks by the drivers who would have their own way whether the road allows it or not; and the worse lot are the ones with mobiles glued to their ears.

I always wonder why people need to talk while driving, are they surgeons guiding their assistants on some major surgeries or do they have a million dollar stock business where one missed call would sabotage the entire business empire or are they a commanding head of NATO forces when every moment is crucial for world peace. If they don’t belong to any of the above professions then why on earth do they risk not only their lives but also the lives of others. There is simply no excuse for such an irresponsible and dangerous attitude.

Why dont we all make a joint resolution for 2011, NO PHONES WHILE DRIVING!!!!!

With much love & best of wishes for 2011.

Sonya. (Day 162)


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