Getting back to the routines...

Thank God for making Saturdays, they seem to have a magical effect on me. Irrespective if I work or not on Saturdays it is just simply one of the most fulfilling day of the week besides a little drizzle today in the early hours just gave it soothing touch.
Finally, I did manage to do exercise after a gap of I cannot remember how many months, weeks or days and the sort of aches I had afterwards in the muscles, which I never knew have existed, is beyond phrasing. I read that when doing any kind of workout one should change the exercise routine after every 4-6 weeks. If we continue to workout with the same speed or with the same routine our body being very intelligent quickly learns to minimally utilize the stored fat in those repeated movements. So it is advised to change the workout routine to trick the body and not let it get used to the same movements. For instance if you walk for 20 minutes daily then after 4-6 weeks change it 30 minutes or change your time and speed at the treadmill or change the aerobics routine to a new pattern; whatever is your exercise preference just keep the body guessing.
Besides the aches I felt really fresh and I must say it is worth all the pain. When I wake up in those early hours, especially tough in the winters, I dread the entire thing but once I get over with the routine I feel crisp and fresh and definitely free from my guilt of not doing any exercise. Plus it is not easy to concentrate on exercises when your neighbor’s kitchen is adjacent to your window and there is a constant aroma of paratha’s flowing in. And you just pray in your heart and send 100’s of telepathic messages to make them send to you some of those delicious parathas, alas nothing works!

Initially I had the desperation to loose those extra pounds and to look a certain way so when that did not happen or if happened it took a lot of time I used to get depressed and frustrated. There was a time when I worked for straight 10 hours daily, I had a breakfast of 2 bran slices and I relied during those hectic work hours merely on an apple and 2 glasses of water. Consequently my immunity was down, I was exhausted all the time, even depressed due to hypoglycemia, emotions were disturbed, I was sick every other day and when there was a flu in town I was the first one to get it.
Thanks to “The Secret” I changed it all mostly in my attitude, instead of getting obsessed with being thin I focused my entire mental and physical energies on being healthy and on having muscular and bones strength, whatever be my size or shape. Today I still eat my double fudge chocolate cake, biryani, fried food, pizzas, KFC but only in the right amount. I have understood my system to some extent which always quickly informs me as what and how much to eat; all I do now is listen carefully to what my body is telling me.
I am in the learning phase so sometimes I miss but with discipline and practice things always get under control, after all it is our body and mind and it should do what we want it do and not the other way around.

So let your mind and body’s know who is in charge and have a great weekend.
With more of my love…
Sonya. (Day 172)


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