Day 163

Coming down with flu especially due to my own carelessness (please read stupidity) is not an option when lot needs to be done, schedules are to be met and above all daily responsiblities are hampered. Yet I feel so privileged and grateful for having the luxury to take a day off without any serious consequences neither for me nor for anybody else. People I see everyday have such crucial responsibilities even close home that taking a day off is simply not an option.

Yesterday I attended a sort of political gathering or say it was a party meeting of Tehreek-e-Insaaf (TI) with the crème de la crème and students. For those who are unaware of TI, it is a political party started by the renowned Pakistani cricketer Mr. Imran Khan some 16 years ago. Over the years this political party has not been in power yet somehow due to criticial circumstances all over Pakistan since past few years people are looking for alternatives mainly because we all are done with the same old, same old faces with their usual dishonest traits coming in power again and again.

Although I lack any type of politicial streak within me it was purely on my mother and her social circle's insistence that I attended the gathering. Belive me, it was anything but the usual political party meeting you or I have ever heard about or seen on TV. Imran Khan came and spoke in the plainest of language; nevertheless, what impressed us karachities was his simplicity and elegance. He did not make any tall claims nor confused us with those regular high-emotion packed, manipulative speeches and he did not try to impress anyone of us or have us in awe of him. He was to the point, focused and just happy to see us there with him. Plus everyone in the crowd which consisted of 90% ladies felt safe in his and his affliates presence- the biggest credit for any man.

So what now from here? Well, I don’t have any clue but I really liked the setup and how efficiently & professionally people are working with him something which I can relate to personally; however, my major concern is my own security. The kind of circumstances, threats which prevail in Karachi and how the common people are targeted for being common then what would become of somebody who is deliberately associating him/herself to a certain political ideology. Therefore, for the time being it is wise to leave things as they are then if I get an intuitive feeling I might take an action in this new direction.

I so much wanted to take some pictures with and of Imran Khan to post on the blog and impress all of you but only due to my flu and that battering headache yesterday I became deactivated. Better luck next time!!

Stay safe and be healthy…. My love always....

Sonya. (Day 163)


Anonymous said…
I read your blog with intest and I am sureAllah has guided you tpo right path. After Jinnah Saheb RA, IK is only untainted politician. IK is OK.Junaid

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