Day 244

I write in early today because I think it is better to write whenever I get time during the day; in the late evening hours energy is often exhausted.

Brinjal / eggplant (began) slightly fried in chickpea flour (besan) is amazing with boiled rice and pulses, our staple diet. Managing work from home gives advantage of eating a proper lunch. Although when I work at office far from home the option of lunch is always there, but either the food available has fried items in the menu or if something is taken from home it is anything but rice.

Quite a few times at work I gave in to the temptation of having biryani only to struggle afterwards with drowsiness.  Those wonderful carbohydrates in rice not only relaxes but make me very sleepy and if there is a meeting immediately after lunch I always  apprehend falling asleep in the midst of the meeting.  Sometimes I did sleep but with open eyes and every now and then during the meeting I would ask either a smart or a dumb question, depending on the level of my drowsiness, just to show everybody that I am awake and paying attention. However, I prefer to avoid such situations as much as possible.

Coming back to working from home, it is easy if you have made preparation for a home office beforehand. Similar to a dentist who requires latest machines and sanitizing equipment, opening up a law firm is neither easy nor an economical venture.  

Before I joined this profession I had no idea what its going to be like, although hundreds of people stopped from becoming a lawyer. Even my own father who was a lawyer himself didn’t like the idea very much, but due to my keen interest consoled himself that any form of education is good.

Having an office space and a bit of furniture is not enough because a lawyer is incomplete without books and many books. Then upgraded versions of those books are a must and the cost of buying them sky rockets every year. In my teens I heard a lawyer saying that law is a profession for people who have lots of family support both in terms of financial and emotional; and I couldn't agree more with this observation. 

Initial seven to ten years of being a lawyer you should forget about earning if you are doing your own practice but if you want to get associated with banks or companies and do a job then the prospects are far better.

So with all these set-backs why did I choose law? 

The answer is I didn’t choose law, rather law chose me.

Sonya. (Day 244)


Star said…
:) lawyers are very complex persons.

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