Sarwana Cottage

First of all, thank you so much for your interest in my blog and second I apologize for not being able to respond to your interests about Sarwana Cottage in my earlier post “F.R.I.E.N.D.S”.

For ages humans have been intrigued by the idea of supernatural entities, ghosts or spirits and it is this curiosity which leads them sometimes to actually experiencing these phenomenon. However, mostly our mind due this natural curiosity tends to see or hear things which are not there. 

(I would like to clarify that I am not a professional ghost hunter and many years ago on hearing so much about Sarwana Cottage I went there with my friend for fun purpose only. However, looking back I think it was very stupid of us to visit such places as we could have ended up in dire consequences because more than the ghosts’ humans with criminal minds are dangerous these days. The risks involved were incredibly high for going alone like that, we did not inform nor had any adults with us when we went to the so-called haunted places for our adventures.)

The cottage being a home is a private property and we were not allowed by the residents to enter the premises. However, we did manage to go to the hospital which is situated next to this house and get the experiences of the management and the in-house hospital staff which lived at the top floor of the hospital.

The staff did tell us about the certain invisible movements, noises at night which comes from that cottage but nobody has ever really Anything there. The house itself is located in the midst of a busy area with a petrol pump and main road so strange noises at night are very natural.

Some say that the so-called ghosts who live in that house throw people around or every month a certain rent amount is found under the pillow of cottage’s resident. Yet neither such information was directly available to us by that house residents and only the hearsay of neighbors, so we are not sure whether the news circulated about the cottage is fact or fiction.

Besides that, places which have paranormal activity or haunted are two different things.

Paranormal activity is a phenomenon which cannot be explained logically or proven scientifically. Whereas when a place is haunted it means to be either completely possessed or visited by ghosts.

Sometimes we are unable to differentiate between haunted or having activity. Like the house where I lived in my childhood had some strange things going there. One night as I was trying to look at my sore throat in the mirror I saw my mother passing behind me, curious to see roaming at night I went in her room but there I saw her sleeping. Then one day my grandmother and I at the same time saw a girl entering kitchen and when we went in no one was there. At night when I used to study late for exams there were knocks on the door. Some entities lived with us in our old house and whenever we saw them they appeared like our family members and this was witnessed by various people at different times.

When a house which has been lived by many generations, there are possibilities of it having activities.

We are energy and like us there are other forms of energy around us which we are unable to see. What is important here to keep yourself positive in mind and spirit and pray as much as possible so we can clear and keep purified our energy field so the negative energies are kept away and only positive, friendly energy could enter. If anybody seems to be possessed it is advisable to visit a psychiatrist because it could be some psychological problem.

To keep energy field positive you must pray regularly, avoid gossiping, do your work or if you do business then deal honestly, be truthful and fair in daily life. Recite Manzil Prayers (in Muslim religion) regularly.

A word of caution: Especially, For The Youngsters please do not visit places like any house or graveyards, etc which are claimed to be haunted because more than being haunted they could used by addicts or people who commit crimes or for any other illegal activities.  

Sonya. (Day 242)


Star said…
Such entities do exist around us I believe but we should't try to investigate & discover them.

I hope you were fine during your absence..

Sonya Syed said…
I agree with you. I'm doing fine just took a deliberate gap.
Thanks so much for your concern.
Saeed said…
Thank you for sharing more details about Sarwana Cottage. To my knowledge one of the floor was haunted, but from your post it seems the entire house is haunted. Finding the rent under the pillow by the landlord is also sounds familiar to me because I heard the same from my uncle years ago in 1980s when I was a teenage boy, my uncle was well aware about Sarwana Cottage activities. Unfortunately he is no more with us, God rest the departed soul in peace.
The house (abroad) I am living now seems possessed. For example recently we were sitting in our drawing room. A packet of peanuts was on the center table we all were watching TV. After sometime, a sound of single peanut falling on the wooden center table could be heard by all family members sitting around. We put off the tv. We all were silent and continuously looking at the packet. Peanut packet was untouched, but sound was continuously coming as if someone dropping a single peanuts from air and as if it was falling on the table. This happened for so long that after a while we started ignoring it. Then the sounds stop. It seems the entity wants to prove to us that its around us. 'Do not ignore me'. Sometime a horrible human sound can be heard as if someone saw a shocking thing, his throat is choked and he was terrified. But this someone cannot be seen by anyone. We have similar events multiple time. So far its harmless except we heard the sounds on and off. We are now use to it.

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