Weight Insights (The first truth)

The first truth

I always recommend allocating a certain time daily for meditation. Both meditation and prayers not only helps to silence the mind from its unnecessary activity but often provide some profound insights about yourself. Although most people often confuse meditation as an activity to get some extraordinary powers or limits it feasibility to relaxation. However, it goes far beyond then all these results and all one requires is to have an intention; intention to obtain peace and nothing more.

There are many meditations available; however, whatever type leads you silencing of mind and ultimate peace is right for you. I have added another page to this blog where you can find all useful information about meditations and from my own experience how to have an intention.

I mentioned my weight loss ambition few posts earlier and I am also working on it. The first thing about loosing weight in a healthy way is that one has to look into the daily food intake and if there are any unnecessary calories or carbohydrates then they need to be cut down gradually. Please do not immediately leave out all carbohydrates as they are also important to give you energy. Regular breakfasts, pulses, meat, grains, fruits & vegetables are all required. The cold drinks, fried food or junk food, ice creams and any deserts or dressings need to be avoided. Sometime people do have hormonal problems which result in weight gains so beforehand it is advisable to have your thyroid and insulin levels checked. Yet in majority of cases we just eat more and do not do anything to burn the food.

But before anything we need to look for deeper issues because weight is just a symptom and there are other things working in the background.  Since my teens I struggled with my weight, sometimes I lost it and then regained it after few months. Although my diet doesn’t have unhealthy food yet the weight maintenance was a hard job.

After a lot of curiosity today I had an insight in a flash. I discovered that my weight is not only some fat stuck up in my body but it is my emotions and negative feelings which I gathered from various times in my life. Feelings of anger, hatred, fear and lack which I didn’t even knew I had took a safe haven by depositing in the form of body fat.

My mind cleverly covered up those negative feelings and I unknowingly played the role of a happy person who has forgiven and forgotten. 

Yet deep down there has never been any forgiveness only anger, hatred and lack. Since these negative emotions were overlooked they resided in me as fat. Through my hard work & consistency I was often able to loose the fat; however, the emotions still being there the fat came again and again. Thus my constant struggle.

The million dollar question is, have I dealt with my negative emotions. The answer is, I don’t have any idea but one thing is for sure that now I am fully aware of them. Awareness is crucial. Now comes true acceptance, surrendering and prayer. So I accept to be angry, I accept my hatred and I accept that I have the lack. Now it all is surrendered to God- may I be healed to the highest levels of love, peace & joy for all involved.

So if there is any health issue with you and even after looking after yourself you are unable to heal it then look deeper.

Much regards.

Sonya. (Day 237)


Star said…
You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

Sonya Syed said…
I agree... I hope I follow this advise..Thankx

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