Fitness tips from a pro…
It was a
difficult decision to choose the most suitable treadmill because they all
looked the same; however, the main deciding factor was its monetary value and
its usability.
For more than a
year I have sprain in my back and the entire vertebral column hurts, after
gulping many painkillers the pain is very much there but yesterday after a long
time I did some yoga. Although I do very basic and simple steps yet it has
magically relieved me of my pain. It feels as if I do not even have a back,
well figuratively speaking.
I think I have
stepped my toe on the right kind of exercise routine which is somewhat a mixture of yogic postures and jogging. I have
heard many going at lengths about the spiritual benefits of yoga but honestly I
have never encountered any such benefits or probably if only you dedicatedly
perform yoga then one might experience something of the sort. As for me, all I
desire is to shed off some pounds from my waistline in the healthiest manner.
I recently found
out that major part of the yoga could be performed while you are comfortably
sitting. Really, it doesn’t have to be those acrobatic postures we commonly see
in exercise videos. If you have ever noticed people sitting in meditation pose with legs crossed and
their thumb touching the index finger (touching is enough pressing is not
necessary). This particular finger position or mudra in yoga is performed to
increase brain-power, mental concentration, memory and it also cure problems of
concentration, sleeplessness & tension. Start with 10 minutes and then take it for 30-40 minutes as and when you feel comfortable.
There are
several other hand positions to increase blood circulation, controlling
diabetes, weight gain and so on. I am just giving a brief overview because
there is so much depth to yoga that it would take some time to comprehend it
Well I think the
above information it is sufficient for today’s health bulletin, until next
time- This is your
beloved host Sonya signing off.
Good Evening.
Sonya. (Day 266)
Thanks once again for visiting..